But I think the story of the day is Mike Ferguson's decision to stand down as a director and chairman of the RCCC Board, as he has not put his name forward again, his term of office coming to an end at this year's AGM. That decision means that Jeanette Johnston and Willie Nicol will be elected to the Board unopposed.
Mike says, "I have based my decision primarily on the fact that I doubt if I could fully commit to a further three year term given my business and personal plans for the next few years. Furthermore I am great believer in fresh faces, fresh ideas and sending out the correct message that when places on the board become available people should be encouraged to stand."
He continued, "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the board as Chairman and welcomed the challenges the position has brought. I firmly believe the board has made progress and is in a position to take even greater steps forward."
I am sure Mike's guidance on the Board will be missed. You can read his full statement here.
Another revelation today is that no-one wants to be the Royal Club's Vice-president! No nominations have been received for the position when Matt Murdoch becomes the President at the AGM in June - there being no opposition to Matt's move up, he is currently the V-P.
CEO Colin Grahamslaw explains what will happen. He writes, "There were no nominations for the post of Vice President received. Therefore clause 6.4 of the Memorandum and Articles comes into force:
6.4 Where either the President or the Vice-President fails for any reason to complete his or her term of office respectively in terms of Articles 5.6 and 5.7, or one or both of these posts fails to be filled by nomination in terms of Articles 5.6 and 5.7, it shall be competent for the Board to appoint a replacement to fill the casual vacancy until the end of the next Annual General Meeting of the Royal Club, the presumption being in the case of a vacancy in the Presidency that this will be so filled by the Vice-President (or otherwise a Director, other than the Chief Executive Officer) and in the case of a vacancy in the Vice-Presidency that this will be so filled by a Director (other than the Chief Executive Officer).
More on all this in future issues of the Scottish Curler magazine.
The photo of Mike Ferguson on the ice at Stranraer last season is by Bob. Hopefully Mike will find time to enjoy the sport again!
Now this is interesting! Some of the eligible directors are women. What odds for Anne Malcolm or Irene Hird becoming the Royal Club's V-P?
Aren't they ineligible because they are on the Board? What are the odds for a lady becoming Chair of the Board? JJ would be my hot tip.
Hi Sandy
Read what I've extracted from the Constitution in the post above. It says clearly that a member of the Board will become the V-P.
And I agree with you that JJ looks the most likely candidate to be the Chairman, if she has the support.
it says presumption - a philly lawyer could have done better
And about bl**dy time too!
The ECA has been progressive and forward thinking by having Sarah McVie as President for the last two years.
Following the passing of Connie Miller earlier this week, the way is now clear for the remodelling and possible disbanding of the Ladies branch of the ECA as well.
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