It replaces the rule which said, "No player shall use footwear or equipment which may damage the surface of the ice." The new regulation says, "No player shall cause damage to the ice surface due to equipment, hand and/or body prints."
Taking photos of curlers and curling this past season I have seen fingers and hands on the ice frequently. And those that play at the highest level now recognise that this can damage the pebble, leading to an increased number of picks, the scourge of the game. Curling's administrators have moved to legislate against the practice.
The new rule has now been adopted for Scottish curling, and Colin Hamilton, the Royal Club's Competitions Manager, has confirmed that the regulation will also be in the new World Curling Federation rulebook, which is eagerly awaited but has yet to be published.
So, if you offend, what are the sanctions? They are severe. The RCCC rulebook now says, "A player may be ejected from a game if continually breaking this rule: see 6 (b) under Royal Club Competitions General Rules and Conditions Dispute & Discipline."
It will be interesting to see how stringently the umpires in Scotland and at International events will enforce it! Will we see players being sent off next season?

oh no, im buggered now!
That picture of Warwick sums it up.
Again, not to single him out, but surely it is *this* that the rule was brought in for.
That kind of sprawling on the ice needs to be stopped, it is not accidental and it is not anwyay involved in the delivery process.
I can't wait for the first time he or anyone else is told!
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