Jamie, Andrew Williamson, Colin Dick and Andrew Noble (team photo here) will play in the Ultima Curling Classic in Kitchener Waterloo. The competitors will play at the Westmount Golf and Country Club and at the Granite Club. I was interested to read that the Westmount rink, where the Scots play their first games, has a dress code (no jeans) which will be enforced! This apparently applies to coaches, parents and 'others', as well as the curlers. I wonder if they have a 'jeans policeman' who forces offenders to remove illegal clothing? The Granite Club has no such policy. Anyway, the results should be found here.

The value of teams competing in events abroad is well recognised. I read recently that this has been taken to the extreme by Bingyu Wang's Chinese team who have actually bought a house in Edmonton as a base for their practice and competition in Canada. I smiled at Doug Mcconachie's turn of phrase that the Wang rink are 'in Canada for seasoning'! Salt and sauce then for Drummond and Dick this weekend!
Jamie Dick's photo is by Richard Gray. Greg Drummond's pic is by Bob Cowan. The photo (below) of Bingyu Wang and her team during a timeout is from wwcc05 at Paisley's Lagoon Centre, and was taken by Richard Gray.